I brought up an old Select Comfort air bed and frame that had been in our basement the last few years. We set it up on Saturday night and, for the first time in our cabin, we all slept on real beds.
The bunk beds...
Julissa's bed...
The lake level had dropped about 1.5 feet since we had been up there a couple of weeks ago. We did not know what to expect, and it was nice to see it had returned to near normal.
Sunday was another steamy hot day. With the water level's back to a reasonable level, we go the boat out of the garage and finally got it in the water. The boat is running great. We spent most of the day on the boat or down at the lake swimming. The wind's were pretty strong on Sunday afternoon, but we managed to get the canopy put on the boat lift. And it was a good thing too, because we had a ton of rain on Sunday night.
The temperatures on Monday and Tuesday were below average, but the days were perfect for working outside. My main goal for the trip was to remove the shingles that had been installed just hanging over the gable ends of the cabin roof. In order to prepare the roof for the steeling roofing, I had to get some actual fascia boards installed on those ends. You can see the shingles just over-hanging the gable end in the photo below.
Underneath those shingles are the 2x4's supporting the roof. I had to cut each of those shingles off along the roof line to expose the 2x4's and attach fascia board. The end result is a much cleaner looking roof line as you can see below. I did this on both ends of the cabin.
I had some time in the evenings to work on the chainsaw. The starter cord had shredded, so I replaced it and was able to get it working again. A chainsaw is a required tool up there since it seems like each year we are cutting up a couple of tree's.
My oldest is becoming quite the little fisherman. Instead of asking if he could play video games, he spent the entire trip asking to go fishing. Of course, we never say no to that. He caught his first Northern Pike on Tuesday.
He also caught his first Large Mouth Bass too. The boys actually took the paddle boat down to the smaller end of the lake and did some fishing off of it. It's so nice to see them enjoying the outdoors.